Employees of the registry office of the Zelenodolsk district conducted a field celebration of the anniversaries of married life at home.
The Misbakhovs, Shomil Akzamovich and Amina Gabdrakhmanovna, residents of the Kugushevsky rural settlement, received gratitude from the Head of the Zelenodolsk municipal District, Mikhail Pavlovich Afanasyev.
The Misbahovs have come a long way together. They took their first steps in professional activity, overcame life obstacles. Hand in hand, they supported each other in moments of happiness and sadness, proving that their love is indestructible. Shomil Akzamovich worked as an electrician, and Amina Gabdrakhmanovna was the chief accountant of the Vakhitov collective farm. For 30 years now, Shomil Akzamovich has been the khatib imam in the village of Kugushevo.
Albert Gataullin, the head of the Kugushevsky rural settlement, and Leyla Khabirova, the chief specialist of the Registry Office department, congratulated the anniversaries on the family holiday and wished them good health and long life.
Even after half a century, Shomil Akzamovich and Amina Gabdrakhmanovna retained warmth and tenderness towards each other. Strong family traditions are respected and respected here, and the spouses remain a worthy example for our younger generation.