In the Kirov Department of Civil Registry Office was honored for gold and diamond married couples.

8 December 2017, Friday

Last week Marsh Mendelssohn spoke for 16 families, two of whom celebrate the 60th anniversary of the registration of the marriage in December.

 "Newlyweds" remembered how they signed in the book of acts of civil status and received the first family document from the hands of a civilian registrar. Each of the family registry offices that are invited to the Kirov department today has hotly loved children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, a life full of events, joys and sorrows, and working life.

Recall that the tradition of celebrating couples who lived in marriage 50, 60 and 70 years was born in Kazan in 2000 and continues to the present. Every month in all city departments of the registry office, employees hold celebrations for those Kazanians who more than half a century ago crossed the threshold of the registry office and linked their fates. Such a "newlyweds" are given a cash gift and a congratulatory address of the Mayor of Kazan Ilsu Raisovich Metshin. It's very pleasant that the number of family anniversaries is growing every year.

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