Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Tatyana Larionova, Head of the Registry Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan Gulshat Nigmatullina and Acting Head - First Deputy of the Registry Office of Kazan Elena Studenikina presented honorary medals "For Love and loyalty" to 10 out of 11 married couples of our city. The family of the WWII participant Nikolai Maximovich Rozhkov and his wife Antonina Ivanovna, a home front worker, received a well-deserved award on the eve of the holiday, but at the festival itself, the family of honored representatives of the physico-chemical scientific community of Tatarstan, Yuri Fedorovich Zuev and Olga Stefanovna, the family of laureates of the State Prize named after him, was presented with the award. Musa Jalil Bareev Nail Masgutovich and Suriya Gabdulkhakovna, the family of the initiator and participant of the introduction of magnetic resonance imaging in the RCB No. 2 Ilyasov Akhat Vakhitovich and his equally honored wife Dolores Mukhamedovna. Photos of all 11 couples awarded this medal are posted on digital billboards in all districts of Kazan, because the whole city should know about such examples of love and fidelity!