The birth of twins was registered in the Kirov department of the Kazan registry office

31 May 2021, Monday

Babies Mark and David were born on May 24 in one of the maternity hospitals in the capital of Tatarstan. For the spouses Grigorievs Vladiyar and Anastasia, newborn boys became the first children.

The male name Mark is of ancient Greek origin. Formed from the Latin word «marcus». The meaning sounds like a hammer. The hammer symbolizes strength and endurance. According to another version, it came from the name of the God Mars, who was the patron saint of people and eventually became the God of War.

The name David is one of the most famous names in the world. All Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are associated with this name. One of the most revered names. Translated from Hebrew, the name David means «beloved» or «favorite».

We wish good health to parents and boys! Let the boys grow up strong and strong, smart and beautiful, cheerful and kind, inquisitive, and most importantly, happy. And let Vladiyar and Anastasia always have enough strength, hope, perseverance, patience and confidence to educate real men.

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